CNC Simulator Hardware Based
General Features:
CNC Simulator is Educational software for machining parts based on a PC environment. The trainer can achieve high efficiency in CNC education with a low budget using our CNC Simulator. A powerful virtual solution specifically designed to train the students, operators, and CNC Learners, Faculty, and Professors. Institutions like Polytechnics, Eng. Colleges, ITI s, Skill Dev. Institues real-time operations can train in Virtual CNC Milling and Turning centers with different controllers like FANUC, SIEMENS, HEIDENHAIN The virtual machined job can be visualised like a realistic job, Later user can measure the job sizes as per required DWG., Tool path, and add over/undercut verification function.

NC Editor / Visualization • CNC Virtual Machine• CNC Controller
• Trainer Console
• PC Simulator - Laptop/PC
NC Editor (Part Programing)
•Fanuc / Siemens/Heidenhain
•Code Intellisense
•G & M Code Error Listing
•3D Simulation
•Tool Tips
•Single Block testing
•Auto Simulation
•DNC Sending file
•File Submission to Trainer
•Screen recording
•Trainer broadcast
•Help on screen for G/M codes.
•G-code debugging tool

CNC Virtual Machine
• Realistic control panels and operator panels.
• Realistic 3D machine tool and control panel.
• Machining process simulation based on Job Setting, Toolset, Job measuring tools, and Machine alarms and messages.
• Machining has the coolant, sound, and chips removals.
• Job clamping can use different types like Vice, Hold Clamps, and Side Clamps.
• Machined jobs can be measured by Vernier Caliper, Auto dimensioning.
• On Screen hand wheel available.
• Alarm collision with the piece, bench or other machine parts.
• Adjust the parameters of the virtual machine.
• Live Tool for Turning.
• Tools Library for the management tools and tools customization.
• Mounted with 10 stations in the Rear, ATC used to change from a magazine for the machining center.
• Edition capabilities (cut, copy, paste).
• Numbering and renumbering of lines.
• Changes in the lines of the program are simple and intuitive.
• Program verification of canned cycles and language syntax of specific model.
• Capability to simulate canned cycles, macros, and the inclusion of parameters.
• Support for custom code and cycles in different NC systems.
• Preset zero point G54, G55, G56, G57, etc.
• Rotary Axis Milling Attachment (Optional).
• On Screen Interchangeble On OFF Control Panels.
• Door Closing / Opening.
• C Axis for Mill, C & Y Axis (Optional)

CNC Controller
•Fanuc 31i/Oi, Seimens828D/840D, Heidenhain 640, FAGOR Compatible Controls can be interchangeable with asthetic of real panel
•G Code parser. Support ISO G codes and M codes
•Diffrent type Cycle programs
•Sub program calls
•Machine On/Off
•Lock Edit
•File Send /Receive
•Rotary Axis Milling / Live Tool Maching for Turning A Axis (Optional)
FANUC 31i/OiT Turning •Cancel cycle, Drilling,Tapping Reaming cycles •Finishing, Turning ,Facing ,Pattern repeating, Boring cycles •Grooving ,Threading Cycles
FANUC 31i/OiT Milling •Chip Break drilling cycle •Drilling cycle •Drilling cycle with dwell time •Deep hole drilling cycle •Taping cycle •Reaming cycle •Drilling cycle with spindle stop •Peck drilling cycle •Drilling cycle with program stop •Reaming cycle with dwell time
SEIMENS 828D/840D Turning •Drilling, centering ,Drilling, counter boring •Deep-hole drilling •Rigid tapping without using a floating tap holder •Tapping with floating tap holder •Recessing cycle •Undercutting cycle •Stock removal cycle,Thread undercut cycle •Thread cutting cycle ,Chaining of threads SEIMENS
828D/840D Milling •STD Cycles •Rigid tapping without using a floating tap holder •Tapping with floating tap holder •Hole circle, Thread milling •Slots on a circle •Rectangular, Circular pocket milling cycle •Spl. rectangular,Circular pocket milling cycle .
•24” inches LCD or LED monitor
•i5 Intel Processor
•Display 1920x1080 pixels (Optimum)
•Mouse, Keyboard
•USB, HDMI or VGA Port
•On Screen interchange memorine control
•On Screen Swaping Machine control